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Kamis, 14 November 2019 - 15:43 WIB

Escape to the Caribbean for Stress-Free Holidays

The holidays are prime time for proposals, and what better place to pop the question than a tropical island? Planning a holiday wedding? A Caribbean destination is an ideal option, and resorts such as Calabash Cove work with couples to plan the ideal ceremony and other events. And wedding guests feel pampered, too. Holiday honeymoon? The intimate setting of Calabash Cove lends itself to honeymoons and anniversary trips.

The holidays are prime time for proposals, and what better place to pop the question than a tropical island? Planning a holiday wedding? A Caribbean destination is an ideal option, and resorts such as Calabash Cove work with couples to plan the ideal ceremony and other events. And wedding guests feel pampered, too. Holiday honeymoon? The intimate setting of Calabash Cove lends itself to honeymoons and anniversary trips.

Summer vacation season may be over, but it is never too soon to start planning a Christmas- season getaway.

Christmas in the Caribbean means a stress-free change of scenery with warm weather and a serene setting.

Calabash Cove, a secluded boutique resort on the island of Saint Lucia, welcomes adults of all ages, such as empty-nesters who want to relax and reconnect, young adults looking to establish their own holiday travel traditions, or anyone looking for a unique Christmas vacation.

Visitors to Calabash Cove at Christmas can enjoy discounts of up to 53 percent, and the longer you stay, the more you save. A stay of seven paid nights or longer includes a complimentary car service to meet you at the airport in Saint Lucia. The resort’s unconditional all-inclusive package covers all meals including room service, and all beverages including premium liquors and a variety of wines from an extensive wine list.

An all-inclusive holiday package at Calabash Cove includes Christmas dinner with ham or turkey, a New Year’s Eve gala dinner, and complimentary champagne. New Year’s at Calabash Cove features a stunning fireworks display that can be seen from the resort’s restaurant or bar, or from the private balconies of the elegant guest rooms.

Other reasons to consider visiting the Caribbean for Christmas:

– Romance: The holidays are prime time for proposals, and what better place to pop the question than a tropical island? Planning a holiday wedding? A Caribbean destination is an ideal option, and resorts such as Calabash Cove work with couples to plan the ideal ceremony and other events. And wedding guests feel pampered, too. Holiday honeymoon? The intimate setting of Calabash Cove lends itself to honeymoons and anniversary trips.

Baca Juga  Terus Jaga Hubungan Baik, Babinsa Koramil 02/Tanah Tumbuh Sambangi Warga Binaan

– Restoration. A boutique resort offers the ultimate setting to recharge your batteries and prepare for the new year. Calabash Cove’s Ti Spa treatments, including massage, facials, and mani/pedis, are a popular way for guests to relax. Meanwhile, those who want to burn off stress with exercise can take advantage of the infinity pool and cardiovascular fitness center with inspiring ocean views. In addition, Calabash Cove staff can help arrange off-site activities, including kayaking, horseback riding, hiking, and diving.

For more information, visit to discover how you can make the most of a Caribbean Christmas that you’ll never forget.

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